Mindtree + Getronics, - Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.Nestled in a green zone, aptly named Global Village in Bangalore, the Mindtree-Getronics provides a 24x7 solution. Mindtree, the Indian associates of Getronics have their headquarters in Bangalore and branch offices in Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune. Mindtree is a young company, "young at heart, " says Parthasarathy, the President and CEO - Infrastructure Management Services. .93% of Mindtree's revenues are generated from outside the country. Mindtree provides application and maintenance for Getronics. The 350 odd team of IT engineers work 8.5 hours a day, and an extra 30 minutes is allocated for the shift transfer. The usual day for a consultant begins with checking the emails, filling time sheets etc. The employees working at Mindtree-Gentronics work on issues generated as legends and work on tickets (both major and minor tickets). A minor ticket can take an average of 30 mins to close whereas a major ticket can be closed between 4 hours to 2 days. "The work mainly involves communication with Getronics and co-ordination with Mindtree team here in India," says Sreekanth B.G. from the DCIS (Data Centre and Infrastructure Support) team and further adds, "fridays and weekends are less hectic as we have less tickets, we plan for joytronics, our in-house fun team where we plan for games like cricket and football and celebrate our colleagues' birthdays etc."."Working in Mindtree-Getronics is great experience, individual attention given to us by our seniors and enables us in rapid professional growth, says Souharda Rudrappa. Sreekanth confirms and adds,"...moreover, you grow with the company that is growing as well...and that's bound to happen when you have good leadership.".Mindtree works on the concept of C.L.A.S.S. - Caring. Learning. Achieving. Sharing. Social Responsibility and the people working at Mindtree-Getronics strongly agree with the concept. The Mindtree logo was designed in collaboration with the
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