Shahida Begum, 35, pumps ground water to cook dinner in her home in Palashbari Villlage, Taragonj, Rangpur, Bangladesh on 18th September 2011. She has found financial independence and contributes to the family income by working as a saleswoman, earning 3500 - 5000 Bangladeshi Taka per month. She is one of many rural Bangladeshi women trained by NGO CARE Bangladesh as part of their project on empowering women in this traditionally patriarchal society. Named 'Aparajitas', which means 'women who never accept defeat', these women are trained to sell products in their villages and others around them from door-to-door, bringing global products from brands such as BATA, Unilever and GDFL to the most remote of villages, and bringing social and financial empowerment to themselves. Photo by Suzanne Lee for The Guardian
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