Kalpana Tamang (40), poses for a portrait with her younger daughter Binita (10) and son Sonam (7) in their temporary shelter in Kavre, Bagmati, Nepal on 30 June 2015. Kalpana, a widow with 3 children, has been supported by SOS Children's Villages for many years now and had receive the Home-in-a-Box after the earthquake destroyed her house, almost killing her two daughters. She now lives in a temporary shelter, sharing her dwelling with farm animals, and is trying to make ends meet by weaving bamboo baskets to supplement the financial assistance provided by SOS Childrens Villages. The NGO mostly supports her children's welfare and schooling as well as provides her with essential household and schooling items like kitchen utensils and school books and uniforms. Photo by Suzanne Lee for SOS Children's Villages
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